What's New, November 2023

Hi! Wanted to give you a little update on what I've been cooking...

Since I last checked in, DATALEAK ii hit streaming services!

Three new tracks are now live for your listening pleasure. You can find us on your favorite services; direct links are on the DATALEAK multi website. I've been working on some new functionality for our website, too, but let me not spill those beans...

We supported DLii with some visuals. I recorded a goofy little DIY video for Waltz of the Barnyard Pixies.

And I also made this little teaser clip for Feral on the Full Moon...


Other than that, I've mostly been focused on improvements to the Studio aboard the Mothership. I visited another local studio to do some mixing and then came home to cop some new gear and rearrange my own setup.

Which is all to say, sxr gripp and DATALEAK multi and sxr gripp by way of DATALEAK multi are all wrapping up an eventful 2023 and gearing up for an exciting 2024. Hope you'll keep rocking with me!

Talk soon!

- gripp

sxr gripp

sxr gripp

sxr gripp. multimedia digital humanities writer slash ai mad scientist. ee/eem/eeir to be precise