What's New, October 2021

What's New, October 2021

you may have noticed that ive been attempting monthly cover photos for the zeen. last month i took a photo in front of a green blanket to test out automatic background swapping. it seems like the color was a little off; you can see the hue around the edges of my head. i bought a more professional green screen, but i cant really use it until i have a stable place to set it up. so this month i took a more normal photo. i think i look cute! whatcha think?

i made a couple more posts in the zeen last month. my position paper Posthuman Intelligence OR The Importance of Digital Agenthood, which was published by the queer in ai workshop at the icml this year, is now in the zeen with a few polish edits. i also wrote and posted a eulogy for a recently-deceased bot i coded.

also last month, i performed in a climate change theater action show, reading some monologues by other writers. fun times! the show wasnt open to the public, otherwise i would have let you know, but similar shows are happening all the time. im gonna try to record some performances for the zeen soon...

as always, you can check out my art goals for this month to get a sense of what ill be up to. check back in soon; new art appears all the time.

peace for now ✌🏽
