What's New, December 2022

What's New, December 2022

Hello again! One last check-in for the year of 2022. Where did the time go?

Earlier this month I went on a writing retreat with Haze.

Our pilot was named a finalist in the pitch competition we entered, but this retreat we spent mostly working on music. Composing... writing lyrics... scheming...

A couple of days ago the folks at Game Over also showed me a review of my book. It's so exciting to see other people interacting with my work! Understanding the themes! Responding! Particularly other genderqueer writers 🥰  The Fainting Game (and Other Stories) available now!

Also, I haven't checked back in since I posted parfait mk ii here in the zeen. It's a short composition I've been working on with some weird synth effects. Check it out.

This year was pretty low-key. But I've been thinking about and planning for 2023 so look forward to more art. First things first, I'm scheduled to perform at the Port Veritas poetry show on January 24. Hold the date!

Talk soon! And happy new year if I don't see ya.


- gripp