What's New, June 2022

its been a while since i sent an update. looks like i skipped april and may altogether... sorry! partially i have been head-down in some longer term art planning and partially life is a dissociative mess in 2022! but i wanted to make sure you all saw a couple of things...

- on july 1st ill be the feature at the first friday jp online show. havent entirely decided what im gonna do! but i am excited to show off some of the new art ive been making.
- i had a pair of prose poems / flash fics published in the brazos river review's fall 2022 issue: parable of the songbirds supper and ezinon. im sure theyll show up here in the zeen at some point...
- and i bought a cool new synth! ive been having fun making weird sounds with it:
as always, more! stuff! soon!