What's New, May 2021

What's New, May 2021

i was wrong about figuring the emails out. technical infrastructure is complicated; im trying to avoid the influences of commodification by self-hosting my own work. its more work up front but i think itll pay off down the line...

anyway, heres whats been going on with me and my art, in case you missed it.

my book, The Fainting Game (and Other Stories), was released on april 20. based on social media chatter, it seems like a few people have received their copies already. excited to hear what people think of it. if youd like a copy, you can order it from the game over books website!
i made three more posts here in the zeen: two new poems (in both and the last night i ever go barhopping) and the original film shyla, based on one of the stories in my book.
i appeared on ashlee haze's podcast moderne philosophy, talking shop about the life of an artist. we recorded in january but it released in april. give it a listen on spotify or apple or i think some other places. 

this month i plan to publish the last of my 2020 poetry. after that... who knows? what do you want to see more of? more poetry? screenplays? music? videos? if you have ideas, feel free to sling them at me on twitter or instagram. ✌🏽
