sxr gripp

sxr gripp

What's New, December 2023

Hello one last time on this side of the new year! Just a little update on what I've been up to and what to expect in 2024... This month I performed

What's New, November 2023

Hi! Wanted to give you a little update on what I've been cooking... Since I last checked in, DATALEAK ii hit streaming services! Three new tracks are now live for your

What's New, September 2023

Hello once again! It's done! This week I delivered DATALEAK ii to streaming services! Three new tracks will be live for your listening pleasure on 2023.09.26: 1. Feral on

What's New, August 2023

Hey there! Just wanted to check back in and give you some updates. The biggest news is that I've been dipping my toe back into live performances. I did a show