What's New, January 2024

Hello again! And a happy new year!

My 2024 is off to a running start. I finished up mixes on DATALEAK iii and delivered them to our distributor. Streaming everywhere on February 6!

Streaming everywhere, 2024.02.06

This time around, DATALEAK multi is in our poetry/spoken word bag:

  1. I Said, "No" x Ashlee Haze
  2. Voice Kink x sxr gripp, yours truly
  3. I Love It When Black People Ask, "How You Livin'?" x Maya Williams

Keep your eye out for those new records and a whole bunch coming soon after...

On a more personal note, you might remember that way back in the ancestral time of October 2022, I bought a pack of new composition books. As I begin 2024, I'm migrating into my second one.

The black one isn't quite full. But as you can see it is fully covered in stickers. Even some inside.

Time to start anew. Back soon with more updates.


- gripp

sxr gripp

sxr gripp

sxr gripp. multimedia digital humanities writer slash ai mad scientist. ee/eem/eeir to be precise