
What's New, January 2022

happy new year! well... definitely a new year! the world looks increasingly mad to me, but in an effort to ground myself in whats important, i thought id take a moment to celebrate


here is my final post for 2020. its a new video performance! in dimensions, i perform a series of poetry / rap / spoken word pieces—and test out some new visual effects processes. the

Game Over Books Author Showcase 2021

on december 2 i was one of the featured artists in the game over books 2021 author showcase. i published a book on the imprint this year! i wanted to make sure my


wrapping up my series on suicidal ideation, heres a brand new track! i recorded it in 2019 over a free beat from youtube. its a much more reflective/conceptual response to my suicidality.

I Might Die If I Go to Sleep

here is another song i wrote about my suicidal ideation. this one comes from my 2015 project gripp makes... bad decisions. that collection was mostly about my anxiety with the mid-20s party scene