What's New, December 2021

What's New, December 2021

hello once again!

the year is winding down, but ive always got more bubbling! first things first: i wanted to remind you about the upcoming game over books author showcase.

ill be performing a 20-minute set, including a reading from my book! you can rsvp on facebook. hope to see you there!

in november i completed a 30/30; i wrote thirty poems in the thirty days of the month. ive started compiling a lot of what ive written in the last few years into a manuscript. im not sure yet how i feel about it, but its exciting to see it all laid out. some of the poems in the makeshift manuscript first appeared here in the zeen...

speaking of which! in november i also made two new posts to the zeen, both as part of my series on suicidality in my music. the first is everyone must, an instrumental track from my 2014 album ansible. the second is a brand new zeen exlcusive called EARTHQUAKE.

give it a listen and let me know what you think! otherwise, you should hear from me in a month for a maudlin end-of-year retrospective.

peace ✌🏽
